Safe Guarding
Dunbar United Colts is fully committed to embedding a rights-based approach in Scottish football, using the ‘Getting it right for every child’ (GIRFEC) principles and values to promote and improve wellbeing and is central to our policies.
For the purpose of this policy, a child is recognised as someone under the age of 18 years.
Dunbar United Colts will:
- Respect the rights of Children as paramount
- Provide opportunities for every child interested to play football to gain a positive experience
- Include and involve children in decision-making, providing opportunities for children to be heard.
- Promote and implement policies and procedures to safeguard the wellbeing of children and protect them from abuse, ensuring they know what to do and whom they can speak to if they need help.
- Respond to any concerns raised where a child’s rights are being denied in football.
- Regularly monitor and evaluate the implementation of our Safeguarding policy.
As well as the Club’s own policy, Dunbar United Colts adopt the Scottish Youth Football Association Safeguarding policies and procedures. The link below is where the SYFA store their one-page guides and protection policies and procedures: