Coach in-service event
We invited Hearts ‘Head of Community’ Coach, Alan ‘Chalky’ White down to lead a club session. 23 Coaches attended the session.
The Course is based on a programme called ‘Play the Game / Street Games’ which is a resource for Coaches and volunteers. The programme is based on small-sided games which encourage players to problem solve, make effective decisions and improvise more. They are fast-paced and fun games with emphasis on attacking football. The concept is to bring a traditional ‘street game’ element to the session with a marked reduction in how many hours per week children are playing football nowadays, we are looking to introduce sessions with more focus on touches of the ball. The games are small-sided, so players are constantly involved.
Chalky made 30 minute presentation to the Coaches before heading out on to the field of play to demonstrate 6 of the games, with a resource booklet to follow.