Football camp is cancelled for the final day
We are terribly sorry, but with the rain forecast continuing the rest of the day and low temperatures we have decided to call it off.

Christmas Raffle
We are delighted to announce we will be running a Christmas raffle for 2021.

McDonalds Fun Football
We are delighted to announce that we are teaming up with the SCOTTISH FA and Mcdonald’s! to recruit new players and offer them the chance to be involved within Free Football for the course of 4 weeks with the programme lasting 11 weeks in total.

UEFA Disney Playmakers
Dunbar United Colts are ‘SUPER’ excited to be announcing a new partnership project with the Scottish FA called Disney Playmakers.

Congratulations to our coaches
We would just like to Congratulate our Developent Officer Chappie and our Vice Chairman and 2005s Head coach Stuart Allan on passing their UEFA C license.

Club Chairperson required
Can you spare a few hours a month to help some local legends?

Dunbar Utd Colts AGM – CHANGE OF DATE
The AGM will now take place on Wednesday 30 September from 7.30-9pm

Dunbar Utd Colts Monthly Subscriptions
We are asking parents and carers to please restart the payment of monthly fees from 1st September 2020

Dunbar Utd Colts Summer 2020 Newsletter
Download the Inaugural Dunbar Utd Colts Newsletter here...

Is your child born in 2015?
2015's - Is your child born in 2015? We are now on the lookout for rising young football stars born in 2015!!!

Dunbar United Colts Sticker Album
Launched in March, nearly 200 sticker collectors are now collecting and swapping stickers with their friends (at a socially responsible distance, obviously!)
Dunbar Colts Sticker Album Order…
Dunbar United Colts Football Club
The Club currently has more teams than ever before, offering a clear player pathway, with age groups from 5 to 8 year olds (4 v 4 / 5 v 5), 9 to 12 year olds (7 v 7, 9 v 9) and 13+ (11 v 11) through to Adult.
The player pathway sets out principles and guidelines on best practice for allowing our participants heightened opportunity to enjoy Football and develop as young players through our national game.
Where we are
Hallhill Sports Centre,
Kellie Road, Dunbar,
East Lothian, United Kingdom
Email: info@dunbarcolts.com
Call 01368 864011