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With the progressive return to football, we are asking parents and carers to please restart the payment of monthly fees from 1st September 2020. This should be at the previous level but please note that they are under review for a number of reasons including additional sanitisation costs and the possible incorporation of the membership fee (to be spread over 12 months). Payment of fees was suspended several months ago although it is worth noting that the club continued to make payments to support Hallhill (in conjunction with other local clubs) and ongoing growth and development contract costs.

Parents/carers suffering financial distress should contact the head coach for the relevant age group or the growth and development officer if they are experiencing difficulties paying the monthly fees. The Club will treat this confidentially and aim to provide as much help as possible subject to individual circumstances and other appropriate factors.

Also, please be aware that we shall be holding the club’s AGM in the next month or so and are hoping that more people volunteer, in addition to coaches, to help the running of the club. It is not possible to ask the small group of volunteers to continue their current levels of effort. We welcome assistance, not just coaching, at all levels and invite parents and carers to get in touch (please email info@dunbarcolts.com) and offer their help.

Dunbar United Colts Committee

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Summer 2020 Newsletter 

Download Newsletter here

Inaugural Newsletter

Message from the Committee
In these unusual times, we want to issue a newsletter to keep you up to date with all things football. The Committee have continued to meet on a monthly basis, via Skype call. We committed as a club to paying our quarterly Hallhill fees with the hope that we return to maintained pitches and a sustainable sports centre. The facility remains closed and as such, we are still unable to train. The facility are working with each user group and East Lothian Council to work on risk assessments with a view to how it can open and operate in the short to medium term.

The SFA Joint Response Group meet fortnightly – apologies if you feel you have not been in the loop here, the thinking being that you can assume that there has been very little change unless we tell you or you will have access to the same information as the committee.

The latest information can be viewed here:
https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/news/scottish-fa-approves- conditional-lifting-of-suspension/



We are now on the lookout for rising young football stars born in 2015!!!

If your child interested in getting involved within Dunbar United Colts, Then our soccer schools is the place to be!

Over the years our Soccer schools have been great fun and allows are kids to take part in fun games, activity’s and loads of football!

This becomes the start of their journey at Dunbar United Colts!

We run both Boys and Girls Soccer Schools.

Which allow them to follow the footballing pathways for both genders😊⚽️

We understand that football isn’t present due to circumstances, However it’s important we put plans in place to allow us to prepare for when we return! 😊

If this is something that you are looking to get your kid involved in.

These please contact our Development Officer At info@dunbarcolts.com

Please share and pass on the news! ⚽️⚽️


Launched in March, nearly 200 sticker collectors are now collecting and swapping stickers with their friends (at a socially responsible distance, obviously!)

Dunbar Colts Sticker Album Order Form

If you registered for an album when photographs were taken in January, simply collect your album and order stickers by visiting the ordering page here and choosing how many stickers you’d like us to send you!

This is a massive fundraising exercise for the club and has already generated over £2,000 for club funds but, more importantly, IT’S GREAT FUN! There is a dedicated facebook page to help you find stickers you need with other collectors who may have them available to swap!

Get involved!

For more information, contact Jamie Chapman at Dunbarcolts.gdo@gmail.com or on 07943 569315

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Supporting our Club Members and Community to keep healthy and happy.

#QuaranTeam #DunbarUtdColts #StayHomeSaveLives

Download the PowerPoint Presentation file below:

Dunbar Utd Colts Support for Wellbeing

Dunbar Colts coach in service event 2020

We invited Hearts ‘Head of Community’ Coach, Alan ‘Chalky’ White down to lead a club session. 23 Coaches attended the session.

The Course is based on a programme called ‘Play the Game / Street Games’ which is a resource for Coaches and volunteers. The programme is based on small-sided games which encourage players to problem solve, make effective decisions and improvise more. They are fast-paced and fun games with emphasis on attacking football. The concept is to bring a traditional ‘street game’ element to the session with a marked reduction in how many hours per week children are playing football nowadays, we are looking to introduce sessions with more focus on touches of the ball. The games are small-sided, so players are constantly involved.

Chalky made 30 minute presentation to the Coaches before heading out on to the field of play to demonstrate 6 of the games, with a resource booklet to follow.